Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tarantula vs. Scorpion


If a scorpion or a tarantula had a fight who do you think would win?  The tarantula is called the goliath bird eater and the scorpion is called the death stalker.  These aracnids live in places like Africa, Australia, Aisa, Europe, South America,and North America.  They both live in borrows that were abandoned by a snake or mouse.  Scorpions and tarantulas have a segmented body that is covered by an exoskeloton that they shed a few times each year to grow larger.  They have nasty weapons that they use to fight and defend themselves against their enemies. These carnivores have different hunting styles that they use to catch their prey.   So who do think has the advantage? Who would win in battle? The answer is the scorpion because of its claws and famous stinging tail.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD5rUn_Oghg

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